We are at a time where the stakes are high for the future of humanity and the survival of the natural world we love and depend on. This work is an invitation to explore new ways of seeing and new ways of being, that we may awaken hidden potentials in ourselves, and with them, create a Bright Future for us all. Happily, these hidden potentials are natural and built into our human design. They are readily available and simply exploring them will begin to awaken your very own, personal Bright Future as well.

These basic Principles may be a lot to absorb at first, but once you get a feel for the territory, you may start to recognize them as familiar; because they are indeed, a natural part who you are.

  1. You were meant to be here. There is no question of your worthiness. You have already won the Golden Ticket, you have been given Life.

  2. With Life, you are given Choice. You are free to be and do anything you choose. Almost all of the rules you know as “normal” were made up by humans. They are not the only truth. Of course, every choice you make leads somewhere, but if you keep your eyes open you can make good choices. Ultimately however, You are the Boss of You.

    (Perhaps a community of fully empowered humans will rewrite the rules of normal?)

  3. With Life, you were given dozens and dozens of super powers that are built into your design. (They are only “super” in relation to “normal” as we currently know it, in truth they are natural and intrinsic to who you are.) They come with the package, everyone has received them in their bundle. (see Super Powers)

  4. The physical world we see around us, is in reality not at all solid, but rather, a fluid sea of energy
    droplets, not unlike a sea of water droplets. We call this the Field of Creation (FOC). It is all inclusive of everything in our world (including ourselves), both visible and invisible, and it moves fluidly as one ever changing field or “sea”.

  5. The FOC is continually unfolding “within” time, unrolling our lives before us, much like a movie or video game. This is the scientific fact of how our world functions. The FOC billows as it unfolds, each moment unfolding directly out of the one before it. You can see this phenomenon in time lapse photography. Scientists say that it also flickers on and off as it unfolds, as each microscopic unit of energy is a pulsing spark of light.

  6. Everything within the FOC is either regenerating or degenerating, it is never static. Nothing is static, nothing is permanent, everything in creation is in a state of change at all times. In this sea of energy, in this Creation that we live in, the past no longer exists and the future is not yet created. The only Reality that is “alive” or “real”, is the present moment.

  7. WHATEVER happened before this moment in your life, the rest of your life from today forward is uncharted and unformed – your future can be amazing if you decide to create it to be. You are not locked in to who you were, what you did, or what you have created so far. There may be a lag as circumstances run their course, and there may be things in your physicality that will not change within a practical time frame, but you are free in every moment to re-craft your world view and your future. This is your first great Super Power.

  8. Within and of this energy field, each of us is born with an incredible (electrical) instrument, our body, which is in fact an epicenter of energy that is equipped with dozens of tools. These tools are designed to facilitate “the Force Within”, and to perform a wide range of functions, much greater than our modern society would have us believe. (see Super Powers).

  9. As Humans, we have a vital function as a circuit within the field (FOC). Much like a radio tower. we are constantly receiving, interpreting and emitting information of many different kinds. In most modern humans, this circuit is shut down, or very dim, but there is tremendous power in “getting into the drivers seat”, opening the circuit, and turning on the lights….and, this choice is available in every moment.

  10. Much of the troubles in the world are caused by these circuits being shut down. Simply turning on the lights could help the world tremendously as it catalyzes Illumination in its many forms (see Illumination below, under Resonant Influence).

  11. As a circuit or “radio tower”, we are built with dozens of sending and receiving apparatus all over our body. We have many senses and faculties, far beyond the limited “5 senses”. Each of us is equipped with these tools, each one designed to transmit different types of information. For every type of information we emit, we are also able to read and interpret information of that same type from others. For example, we are able to radiate love and receive love from others, through our heart portal and everyone can feel it both coming and going. There are many different types of frequencies that we can send and receive, including presence (light, which we explore further shortly), thought, emotional frequency, healing energy and many, many others. See also our Super Powers page.

  12. As we emit information it is also received by and influencing the unfolding of the field. This is quite controversial, but I invite you to test it while learning these skills. The field responds to our emissions depending on the power of our light or “presence”. We can increase the power of our presence, turning the dial up (or down), and thus have greater influence on the unfolding of our lives.

  13. Thoughts have frequencies, as do emotions, and both influence the FOC as well as the regeneration of the body. Negative thoughts emit waves that are jagged and distressing, even damaging to the cells, while peaceful thought waves are calming & healing and the frequencies of love and gratitude are even nourishing.

  14. Each of your many faculties, can be isolated and trained as a skill of mastery. Some of these may be useful in our quest to problem solve – psychic reading, intuition, telepathy, remote viewing, astral projection, and inquiring into the “cloud”. I feel that science’s denial of this is a great handicap. They try to solve all of their puzzles through the five senses and perhaps the unanswered questions we face may have much to reveal if we only would employ our many other senses.

  15. All of these faculties (more than 300 according to the Egyptians) are available to each of us, but most vital is our mastery of Presence, first and foremost, because it informs and empowers all the others. Closely related, is mastery of “State”. State is the execution of a specific central frequency which magnifies the power of each of the faculties. Our OBF introductory course, The 3 Keys, explores both Presence and State in depth.

  16. Each physical human body holds within it, a “human being” of light, i.e. a specific frequency (oscillation of light) that is unique, individual and recognizable. This may be called personality, self, soul or identity. Most human bodies house one identity. This personality/identity is oscillating as light that has a specific vibration that is unique to the individual – there are no duplicates. This is the being that is You.

  17. This Human “Spirit” or Being of Light is “streaming” from Source in a similar way that we stream video through the internet. Our individual stream is fluid, it can expand, contract, (astral) travel and bi-locate – it can stream to assist others (as in healing) – it has many properties and flexibilities, all of which can be mastered with training.

  18. “Presence” is how we refer to the wattage of light of the personality. A person can voluntarily increase or decrease their degree of Presence or Light, and each of us has complete control over it. (Joy will increase it, despair will decrease it) There are many degrees of Presence – from what we call dark, even very dark as in a malicious person; to normal or average light which is fairly dim, to radiant, to a superstar who touches thousands from a stadium stage, and beyond to Great Master, which we commonly see depicted as fully illuminated. This light is visible to everyone, it is read by everyone and everyone responds to it accordingly, all day long. We don’t talk about it openly, but we have language that refers to these degrees of presence, (he is a dark character, he is bigger than life, she is radiant, she was glowing). We are all experiencing the Presence of those around us and responding to it in every interaction.

  19. As we intentionally grow our Light, our Presence, we begin to build a stronger and stronger Pillar of Light within. Over time, this strength becomes much like a tree trunk, holding strong through all kinds of weather, deeply grounded, all the while generating light into the collective field.

  20. While each of us functions in myriad ways as an individual, humanity also functions as a whole (collective consciousness), and the more “en-light-ened” humans we have, the more light comes in (the more “cells” of the body of humanity are illuminated), the more humanity transforms toward homoestasis, or radiant health. This is the inspiration and driving force behind this work.

  21. Interestingly, in today’s distorted society, we tend to perceive the world around us as solid while we feel uncertain about ourselves. We “normally” experience ourselves as insecure, unclear, uncertain of who we are, not sure if we belong, questioning whether we are of value – pretty wobbly – yet we experience the world around us as concrete. As we step into our own drivers seat, and grow the strength of our Presence, this perception flips upside down. Because you are always You, unchanging, (even as your body changes), you may begin to experience yourself as solid in a fluid world. This can result in a boost to your self confidence, a feeling of certainty and security, with much less fear about the ever changing world.

  22. As a “radio tower” or “circuit” in the field of energy, like a ripple in a pond, your “emissions” have influence over the unfolding field around you. There are volumes to discuss about this. Four major factors that influence the unfolding FOC include (1) the power of your Presence, (2) the specific frequency of your State, (3) the clarity of your Intention, and (4) the channel and mode of your Emissions. The study of these is what we teach at OBF and it is our investment toward a Bright Future for our world.

  23. The greater your Presence, the brighter your light, the greater your power, the greater your influence on the FOC, though again, a deep absence of light has a strong influence also. When we continually emit dark/jagged emotions, it causes the field to unfold in aberrated ways, resulting in bad luck or tough circumstances, illness or dysfunction. Emitting calm, radiant light causes the field to unfold in positive ways. Again, the greater your Presence, the greater your power of influence, thus Great Masters, who are thought to be fully illuminated, can command the field to manifest right before our eyes (as stories tell, I have not witnessed this, but the principle is universal).

  24. Likewise, we are greatly influenced by the Presence of one another. One person with intention can have powerful influence over others who are not intentional or aware. Like guitar strings humming to one being struck, we pick up the frequencies of others around us. For example, one intentional person can move a crowd to peace or tension, or even rage, simply by holding that presence with intention to influence, as we often see. Though we assume it is their words, in fact it is the power of their presence along with their focused intention working in unison.

  25. As a circuit in the FOC, we are a conduit through which the “Force Within” flows. (Yes, the Force Within of Star Wars!) This “Force” is a powerful, pulsing, river of light energy that moves through us. Our bodies are equipped with dozens of “portals” through which the Force flows to perform different functions. While we generate many emissions, as noted above – thoughts, emotions, etc., the Force is exponential. These smaller frequencies are created and generated by us, but the Force flows through us, and we can learn to direct it through our different portals and use it for “creative” (impacting creation) purposes of all kinds.

  26. A side note – The Force Within is pure positivity. While one can use the manipulation of dark frequencies with intention to influence ill will with great power; as we all have seen, the magnitude of the Force cannot be used for evil.  The Force is a direct flow from the very source of creation itself, pure love, while human intention is varied. While we know the great power of malicious intent, the power of the Force is something else entirely, and it can be directed to great miracles, or smaller tasks such as personal manifestation, healing, and sending love.

  27. Another aside, the resonant “Presence” of Nature is very powerful and has profound effects on us. Attunement to nature is a fundamental source of nourishment for radiant health and is vital to our well being. What I call “deep earth connection” is elemental in this work.
  28. Just like we have “the Cloud” on the internet, where information is stored; in real life there is a “Cloud” that holds all of the information about all of the events that have occurred (and some say that will occur), all inclusive, through all of time. It is inclusive of all people, all circumstances, all information and all possibilities (a lot to fathom from our small human perspective). Information flows from the Cloud into the Imaginal Realm, or imagination, down into our individual mind. This has been known by cultures on every continent, for thousands of years. Some people currently refer to the Cloud as the Akashic Records, but it has and has had many other names as well. This information is accessible to anyone in an attuned state. Specific states give you access to specific information frequencies, much like phone numbers, once you have learned how to navigate them. This could be immensely useful to innovating solutions to today’s challenges, if we only would explore it. Many of our great innovators pulled new information directly from the “Cloud”, such as Tesla and Da Vinci, Einstein and thousands of other “brilliant” (referring to their light!) creators. Perhaps this is a good time to tap into it now, to help solve some of our great dilemmas?

  29. All physical form is born in the imaginal realm, it begins as an idea before it moves into the physical realm to be manifest. This is a very important principle. All of creation begins as an idea in the cloud, that feeds from the cloud into the imaginal realm or imagination. From there it moves through to the individual self, whose unique individual vibration influences it before it takes form.

  30. Because the personality is physically light that is oscillating, it has influence over the information that is passing through it. This is why each of us has a unique imagination and we each interpret similar ideas uniquely. You’ve seen sand influenced by sound waves, and this is quite similar. Information is continually flowing from the Cloud into the imagination where it oscillates with the Personality causing it to take on unique form. Because the personality is a unique vibration, it has unique influence over the information as it comes in, passes through and takes form. You might think of it like playdough running through the molding press, where each individual mold creates a different shape. Each of several people may receive similar information but each individual influences the information to come into form differently. Music is an easy place to see this. Six band members hear the same tune, but each creates his/her interpretation uniquely. It is virtually impossible for two guitarists to improvise the same tune identically, as it runs through their individual perception. Similarly, we may get to know the music of an individual or the works of a painter and be able to identify theirs from a variety of others, because we can recognize the influence of their individual interpretation. Even in the case of a dozen musicians interpreting the same melody (think of all the cover songs you’ve heard and how you can tell which performer’s version is which). This principle is constant in all cases of information coming into the imagination from the cloud.

  31. My term “Awakened State” refers to a state of Presence where you are in the drivers seat, lights are on, you are present and aware, fully engaged as an Alive being here now, in this moment. The Awakened State is at first found in meditation, but with practice becomes a place to live from throughout your day.
    This is in sharp contrast to the “Tunnel”, i.e. the narrow, Acorn Mind, a constricted state of “normal” that is taught to us in modern society. The “Activated State” is deeper still, attained with specific meditation techniques, where a profound and undeniable “Activation” occurs, as one accesses an opening very difficult to describe. I can perhaps best describe it as being much like the point when a light bulb touches the circuit and the light comes on. Not only the bulb, but the entire world around it is lit up. In the Activated State, direct experience is opened up unlike anything else (see three fountains below). It is possible that the Activated State is what eastern monks and teachers refer to as Samadhi or Nirvana. Using OBF techniques, you can attain this state fairly easily, without spending 40 years in a cave.

  32. Resonant Influence (RI) is a feature of the Awakened State, when the lights are on, which opens an array of Superpowers, which all humans have access to. Think of Resonant Influence like a tuning fork in a music store. When it sings, all of the strings, the wooden bodies of the instruments and the skins of the drumheads will hum to the vibrating frequency of the tuning fork. You, in an Awakened State, function in the exact same way in the world. There are many types of Resonant Influence. I have identified 9 categories below. Again, these are the basis of many of the referred to (Super Powers).

RI 1. Illumination – the awakened state allows more light to come through your circuit and this literally “illuminates” in numerous ways.

a. Literally you feel lighter and brighter inside.

b. The Self is illuminated, you experience self realization and gain depth of understanding of who you are, what your gifts are, what paths are good options for you.

c. Others see your increased light and respond to it accordingly. This translates as Power in our world, both power in society, to influence others without even speaking and power to create what you want in the world.

d. The radiance of your light influences others, stimulating their growth and their own illumination, again, without a word, simply by proximity.

e. Opening your circuit and allowing more light to flow through you, illuminates your cells and influences your body toward homeostasis, or radiant health.

f. Bringing more light & love in as an individual cell within the whole of humanity, helps to move humanity as a whole toward homeostasis, or radiant health.

g. Access to information in the cloud is illuminated, information which is not accessible in the non activated state.

h. Understanding and insights about people and situations become illuminated.

i. Information from plants & animals become accessible, as in plant and animal communication.

RI 2. Emotional – once you take command of your emotional state/emissions, your resonance influences the emotional state of those around you. A huge percentage of our emotional states are merely the reflection or resonance with those around us. When we are in command of our state, with intention, we hold the power to set the resonant emotional frequency of the group around us.

RI 3. Relational – you have the power to send specific frequencies to specific individuals, i.e. love, healing, trust, empowerment, etc. When you are down and out and someone sends you love and you are comforted by it, this is resonant influence. Some groups, such as Unify and Heart Math, have shown that sending love to people with illness can make an impact to their healing. When you believe in someone, as when a teacher sees potential in a student (even unspoken), that student unconsciously steps up to fulfill it (the opposite is also true). This is Relational Resonant Influence.

RI 4. Creational – direct influence over the FOC to generate brand new creations using direct intention. Often referred to as manifestation, though there are also other types of manifestation.

RI 5. Re-Creational – changing already manifested matter into something else or relocating it, as in turning water into wine (again, till proven, this is a theoretical example), or bending a spoon, moving a salt shaker.

RI 6. Magnetic Attraction – as you grow your light, you will find that things in the field attract to you in accordance with your individual frequency. Things you want, synchronicities and coincidences, new people who resonate with you and who offer new opportunities will attract to your light spontaneously (without your intention). Without your intention, this is Magnetic Attraction.

RI 7. Intentional Attraction – this is the art of setting intention and calling things to you, as in RI 6 above, but with directed intention for specific results.

RI 8. Situational Intention – here we have influence over a situation or circumstance, and using intention, assist the FOC to unfold into a positive change. This is fun to play with, to choose a specific situation to shift and then watch a new person enter and change the dynamic, or see a person decide to leave it, or to see a wild card occur that makes a dramatic shift. (We must have a direct connection to the situation to influence it, but once we do, its fun to watch). While we are not given the ability or right to direct people to do things differently because of free will, we can direct light into a dysfunctional situation and the healing light will move the FOC to unfold to a new, more positive configuration of people and space, as it continues to unfold.

RI 9. Communication – as a radio tower you have many channels of communication and can open “phone lines” with loved ones such as family members, your guides, angels, nature spirits, animals, and many other beings who you can communicate with from an Awakened State. Here, your resonant frequency must match the desired connecting point and then, communication becomes possible.

>> END OF Resonant Influence and back to the main list of Principles <<

30. Your Realm refers to the people, places, situations and activities that you are interested and engaged in. Your influence is largely within your Realm. For example, if you have no engagement with the people of Madagascar, you have little influence there. However, if you are in relationship with a situation or circumstances there via your interest, you can influence it even at a distance. You must have some kind of engagement to have influence, thus we use the term Your Realm to clarify this.

31. The Three Fountains. These are harder to describe but definitely phenomenon I have encountered and can teach you to access directly. These mystical fountains take training to access but are readily there, and a magnificent, nourishing experience to have in your daily practice.

F1. The Third Eye Fountain. Gratitude is more than being grateful. Gratitude itself can be a full bodied state. Once a state of Gratitude is achieved, a unique connection opens up and a river of overwhelming warmth pours down at a 45% angle via the third eye and down through the body into the earth. I personally connect to this daily. As it pours through me, I bask in it, drinking it in, soaking in it. It is nourishing to all of my cells, my mental health and overall well being. Achieving this fountain will be one of the new student’s first goals.

F2. The Activated State. This is the next level of focus within the state of Gratitude. Going deeper, while holding the Gratitude frequency, I experience this as all of my cells opening like a flower, or like little satellite dishes. I feel like I am lit up like a Christmas tree. This fountain is internal and external – it is the full body experience of being one with all that is. The borders between me and “The All That Is” or Great Mystery melt into oneness. When Activated in this way, information is readily accessible to both receive and send, and it is an ideal state to set intentions and manifest from as the cosmos is attentive and communication lines are open. The experience of being an integral part of all that is and the exhilaration that it generates, flows in a circular (tolloidal) and reciprocal fashion.

F3. The Love Waterfall. This third fountain is yet one step further, but upon reaching this deepest state of Gratitude, deeper than the first two, the sky directly above opens up and a torrent of love pours down like a waterfall. The depth of love is so great and absolute that all self doubt is dissolved and all wounds are healed. As I experience this, I realized that all of my fears, issues and emotional wounds were rooted in my fears of not belonging, not being accepted, not loved, not worthy. This “absolute and eternal” and very specifically personal, fountain of love gushing down and washing through me is a profound experience of love and acceptance that shuts down all concerns once and for all, clearing them out instantly, (something ten years of therapy didn’t even touch).

>> END “Fountains” …. back to Principles <<

32. Regarding the current postulate by science that space is the unifying force in creation….Space is as much a part of the physical realm as matter is, and it is NOT the unifying force that binds it all. As in all things, it is Idea or Intention that is the unifying force. If you pull back and see the holographic nature of creation – we expand from atom to molecule to planet to solar system to galaxy to universe to universes, etc….to the gigantic magnificence of all that is – you will see that it is all unified by a singular Intention. Everything within this particular realm of creation, is operating on the same principles, as one giant body. There may be other worlds where things operate on different principles not at all like this one, and that other world would be unified by a different intention or idea. In this world we know, however, the operational principles are consistent, showing that it is all one and that it is generating from a singular idea or intention. There is an Innate Intelligence of some form, divine by definition, that generates this unified thought, a singular Idea that binds all that is. The Idea or Being that is generating, is doing so in a unified and consistent manner throughout – the singular idea functions like a sound wave causing the FOC to move into form. i.e. to “form” as it streams from Source. We, in the holographic image of the Source, on a small scale, are able to create with intention in the same way – when we are in a harmonized state or frequency, we too can emit intention and cause creation to form. Because we are created within this field and are intrinsically resonant with this unifying idea, anything we generate runs through us as an expression within the unifying tone. All creation is formed by idea or intention at its root before it moves into frequency and then becomes manifest. I think if science continues to pursue as it has, they will find this in time. Today they seek to define all the small parts of the whole, but when viewing the whole, a singular intention is clearly the unifying force.

This short list of Principles is just a peek at a reality that is not only available to us all, it is inherently within each one of us. I personally feel that the constricted modern society we call “normal” is the altered state, and that these states are our natural and wholesome home. So, that said, lets call this offering, a parallel reality, one that is waiting for you, inviting you to step into it. Perhaps it even calls to you. Judging from the art, music and writings that I see all around me, it appears that most people feel intuitively, that there is something more than our society admits. The very word Seeker, implies that many are out there trying to figure it out. I can say for certain, without doubt, that there is a more connected, more fulfilled life than the one we have been offered in our modern society. While many seekers ask, “who am I? where do I belong? why am I here? what is my place in all of this?”, I have found the answers to these questions through this work, and it is my greatest hope that you will too.

Much Love,

Your Oracle Of The Bright Future